Saturday, May 2, 2009

Spring is here!

Spring really is here! We've had entire weeks without rain (although I have to admit it's pouring at the moment!), the sun has been shining, and in general the weather has been really pleasant.

I've been asked what driving in Kabul is like. Let me first explain that they don't need driver's licenses. :) Then I'll explain that the traffic can really vary by day - the same trip can take anywhere between ten and forty minutes depending on what is going on in town that day. I took this picture (not while driving!) a few days ago - this is pretty much typical in the areas we go. And yes, it really is that dusty!

A quick pic of one of the local artists from our mini-bazaar. I haven't decided if I'm going to bring any home with me, but it's interesting to look!

A few spring pictures for you. I managed to catch this one at the Ministry where we mentor.

We were pleasantly surprised to find a lilac grove next to our basketball court. I have to admit I detour regularly there now - these smell SOOOO good! Not bad to look at either!

I'm afraid I don't have good news about the little garden. I went to see it a couple of days ago and there's nothing in bloom. A few grasses are hanging in there, but it doesn't look good...

My boss and I are getting ready for the arrival of our reliefs - hard to believe it's that time already! Her relief will be here shortly, and mine should be here in a few weeks.

But of course with new arrivals come farewells. Barbara left this week. :( This is a pic of her and me on her last Friday, which of course we spent outside making jewelry! Hopefully she is home now with her husband and two beautiful daughters. And yes, we really made a mess. :)

I would say "fair winds and following seas" - but since she's in the Army that probably doesn't mean as much to her. :)

I'm afraid not much else going on here. We're having great success with our training program and things appear to be clicking on all cylinders for other projects. That's not to say the job is easy - but I finally feel like I'm getting a better handle on things (of course, as it's almost time to go!). Pretty typical around here I guess... :)


  1. what an awesome bird picture! I can't wait to see you when you get home. Adrian said he would share the tan tan recipe when he finds it, so maybe we'll have you guys over for tan tan and we can talk about your adventure. :) - Sara D. (I miss being Sara J. It sounds better than Sara D. :)

  2. Hi Tracy...what a wonderful bird pic! And the dust storms, that seems to be there everywhere, atleast in the middle east,like in uae, where i am writing from.

  3. Sara - sounds like a plan! And I like Sara D. just fine. :)

    Thanks Lotus! Believe it or not that wasn't a dust storm - that's a pretty normal day here...
