Sunday, December 21, 2008


Apparently it's pretty common to get a lot of visitors here - especially VIPs! Last week we had the honor of hosting the Judge Advocate General of the Air Force (MGEN Rives) and Senator Lindsey Graham (also known as Colonel Graham, as he was here as part of his reserve commitment). Here is a picture of both during our roundtable session, and Colonel Graham was kind enough to pose for pictures (so was MGEN Rives, but that one didn't come out!).

The Air Force Times even picked up a story about Colonel Graham's visit (and yes, all the women are feeling a little left out!)

It's also nice (and unexpected!) to run into friends here. Theron is assigned to the NJS branch office in Charlottesville, and he was out here doing a TAD for the Army. We're now known as "NJS detachment Afghanistan." :)

I also ran into Congressman Joe Wilson (another South Carolina representative!) as I was headed to chow one morning and he told me all about his son (who's also in the Navy). Unfortunately, I wasn't quick enough with the camera on that one!

I've had a couple of questions about the weather here. I have tried a few times to get the Weatherbug uploaded to this blog, but it appears to have some errors. It's pretty chilly here - right now our highs are in the 40s and the lows in the teens. The past few days we've had a lot of rain (which is a little unusual) and it even hailed/sleeted one day (very unusual!). The mountains you can see from the base are snow-covered and absolutely gorgeous. I've tried taking pictures but they really don't do it justice.

Keep the questions and the comments coming and I'll do my best to get to them all!

1 comment:

  1. I guess the Air Force Times consider women to be 'honorary men' I'm sure you'll be able to enlighten them, Tracy!

    You are certainly getting to meet some interesting people and it's also interesting to see how many high profile politicians are prepared to go to Afghanistan.

    It sounds chilly. I hope you have some good winter gear.

