Sunday, April 5, 2009

Rain rain go away...

This "spring shower" thing is getting a little out of control. :) It's rained nearly every day this week, and the prediction is for it to rain seven out of the next ten days. My rain gear isn't getting a chance to dry out! :)

But, the rain did give me a few pics (which I'm finding harder and harder to come by these days!). This one was taken of the plaza near the center of the base. It's where we have the mini-bazaars on Friday (not nearly as good as the bazaars used to be) and hold a lot of ceremonies. Unfortunately, the picture doesn't quite do it justice - it was pouring rain at the same time the sun was shining!

And of course with lots of rain comes flooding. This is directly outside my office - I didn't know we had lakefront property! :)

Another blooming picture for you - I'm not even going to hazard a guess as to what type of tree it is, but it's pretty!

A few people have asked if I've been able to keep up with my jewelry. Of course I don't get to spend as much time on it as I would like, but with a LOT of help from Adrian, I've managed to keep up my Etsy website as well as a local (RI) display. Occasionally I get lucky enough to sell a piece or two around here. It all goes back into covering my costs to buy more beads. Adrian just shipped two big boxes of beads to me and Barbara, so we're both eagerly anticipating the next bead extravaganza. Here's a piece I just completed:

It's not a great picture - I took the piece to show someone and she decided she wanted to buy it on the spot and I hadn't yet photographed it, so I hastily pulled the camera out and did the best I could (notice the wonderful fluorescent fixtures reflected in the glass!). Anyway, she's happy with it and that's all that counts.

I was very pleasantly surprised to be contacted by a blogger I met through Etsy. Her name is Jozie, and she has a great blog featuring Etsy's "unknown" artists. She asked me a few questions and turned my responses into a feature on her blog! Thanks Jozie!!!

Finally, I'll leave you with the updated garden shot. I really hope all the plants aren't just big grasses! :)

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