The short one first - things I'm not looking forward to:
- Laundry. You get used to someone else doing it for you REALLY fast. :)
- I was going to add commuting, but I am sort of looking forward to that. One thing you really miss around here is privacy. Having an hour each day alone with my NPR doesn't sound so bad anymore. :)
Now for the longer list - things I'm looking forward to (beyond the really obvious stuff of being with family and friends!):
- Indian food! OK, really any cuisine that's not served on a buffet line and that I can actually choose. Honestly, the food here really is pretty good, but it does get repetitive, and some days it doesn't matter how good the food is - you're stuck on the fact that you have no choice in the matter.
- A nice bottle of wine with dinner. 'Nuff said. :)
- Being back at sea level. I'm sure this high altitude stuff works for Olympic athletes, but I'll take all the oxygen in the air that I can get!
- Driving my Prius (a LOT smaller than the vehicles we drive around here). And not having to get permission to drive anywhere. :)
- Having control over my computer. They have the network locked down so tightly here that I can't even change the date/time on my work computer. I know security is needed, but even NMCI (our computer system at work in the States) lets you do SOME things without an administrator!
- Brandy (my dog). I've missed my happy mutt a lot, especially with all the working dogs around here that remind me of her. Can't wait to see that silly tail wag!
- Being able to read documents without having a translation done first. Adrian and I experienced this in Japan too - it's hard to be a functional illiterate. At least here I have four people I can call on to translate for me, but it's still frustrating.
- Having a bathroom in the same building I work in. Not something I paid much attention to before - until you don't have that particular luxury and it's either pouring rain, snowing, or just too cold/too much of a bother to want to make that trek.
- My iPhone. We text a lot here - easier to not interrupt meetings, etc., with phone calls. And every text I sent I was wishing for my nice virtual keyboard on the iPhone - not to mention all the fun stuff that goes along with it.
- Buying a new pair of running shoes. Between the gym and just wearing them around base on Fridays, I think the ones I brought with me have just about had it. The selection at the PX is horrible, if they even have women's sizes at all. It will be nice to go into a store where there's actually a selection and hopefully even my size in stock. :)
- Being able to wear what I want... well, at least on evenings and weekends. :)
- And a million other little things that I hope to remember to not take for granted.
I don't want anyone thinking I haven't enjoyed my time here - I have, and it has been very rewarding, both professionally and personally. But it's just about time to go, and I can't help but to think of all the things waiting for me.
The weather cooperated today and gave me a beautiful view on my last trip to the top of the Ministry building, so I'll leave you with that picture.
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